
You can go through embedded links for implementation videos.

  1. Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Off-road Autonomy (research)

  1. Pong AI Player
  2. Tetris AI Player
  3. Multi-robot Formation and Autonomous Navigation (6-month project)
    • PI: Prof. Santosh Devasia
    • See here how robots follow each other and here how they do formation
    • Made robots track each other and platoon in line, configurable triangle using fiducial tagging and sensor fusion techniques
    • Built state-space models for different objectives and used 2 linear operators to obtain accurate and stable formation
    • Executed Hand-gesture Controlled Mobile Robot using OpenCV and Google’s Mediapipe that can eliminate joystick teleop
  4. CUDA-based Depth Estimation using StereoVision(Slides)
  5. Semantic Segmentation for Self-driving Cars*(Slides)
  6. Hand-gesture Controlled Mobile Robot*
  7. Intelligent Water Management System using Machine Learning (Senior Thesis)
  8. SAE BAJA Off-road Vehicle (25-member cross-functional team)
    • Worked for three years as Captain, Designer, and Driver

* indicates implementation only i.e., modifying pre-existing techniques according to the use case.